Snooki: America’s Newest Ambassador
on Wednesday, August 3, 2011

They’re baaack…and this time in their homeland. That’s right, the fourth season of Jersey Shore, the show everyone loves to hate, premiers tomorrow on MTV. And while the show is used to controversy of all sorts, this time the rumor mills began churning before filming began, before it was even confirmed. After spending three seasons in two different American partying meccas (the Jersey Shore and Miami Beach), the show’s producers decided to change scenes entirely by setting the fourth season in the heart of Italy, connecting the characters to their famed heritage. Immediately, media, leaders, and concerned citizens alike petitioned against the relocation, claiming that we couldn’t send these people over as a representation of American culture. After all, we’re not all like that, right?
Well, kind of. Jersey Shore isn’t the most popular program for the entire 12-34 demographic for nothing. Millions of Americans watch the show each week, although we may never admit it. And the fact that we even watch the show, the fact that there’s even a fourth season to set in Italy, means that the show speaks to us somehow. Maybe not in an obvious way, but do we envy their carefree lifestyle? Every week, we escape for an hour to watch people whose biggest concern is how long they’re tanning for today. It’s a far cry from almost everyone’s daily life, and the numbers show that we like it.
Even people who don't like it, know it. "Snooki" has become synonomous with being an idiot.
So the fact that we’ve set these people up as celebrities and ambassadors is, in fact, an accurate representation of American culture. Are they the best diplomats? No. Crisis communicators? No. But are they the most honest version of Americans, a product of our overworked lifestyle? Perhaps.
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