Fight for the right!
I have to say, I’m impressed with the way USC is handling its recent issue with fraternities and underage drinking. As a Greek student (socially, not ethnically), when you hear stories about schools cracking down on Greek organizations, you tend to automatically side with the persecuted students. There are many colleges and universities who, despite the proven benefits of Greek associations on campus, will look for any excuse to get rid of the drunk, over-sexed scourge that is Greek life. However, I think USC’s situation demonstrates quite the opposite – an understanding and respect for fraternities that extends beyond the alcohol stigma. While the university halted all rush activities earlier this week to get the full scope of the situation, they are now allowing all but 7 of the 18 fraternities to finish formal rush by offering bids to freshmen this Friday. That action speaks volumes. Because for every fraternity that claimed disciplinary action was unfair, that they were innocent, we all know that’s a lie. Ok, maybe you don’t have strippers at your rush events (classy), but don’t even try to say that underage drinking doesn’t occur in your fraternity. It’s college. Underage drinking occurs everywhere. And by choosing to only prosecute those fraternities that are posing serious dangers to students (hospitalizations, ect), USC demonstrates that it’s not going to try and fight that losing battle and instead let the positive parts of fraternities overshadow the legal discrepancies. There is so much more to Greek life than drinking, and USC continues to honor those legacies, traditions, and loyalties. In addition, USC proves that it’s concerned about the health and safety of its students, when it needs to be. A refreshing take on Greek life from college administrators.
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