Tuneing out the Clatter

The world is supposed to have come to a complete standstill twice in the past 16 hours, but somehow we missed the notices. Of course, we are talking about the start of the NFL Draft and the wedding of Prince what's his face and commoner girl. "Everyone" watched these two mega events in the past 16 hours, but really, not really. We declined.

Let's get something straight first. We at Brett love working with the media. Heck, it is a large part of our job. But these two events (and the the hype around them) smacks of idiocy. Let's start with the NFL draft. The fans salivate over who their favorite team drafts and get happy or upset by it. Everything is bombast and overblow. A pick is declared good or bad immediately. What the? How does annyone know.

The normally brilliant Peter King of Sports Illustrated had a story this morning with the headline "the trade hear 'round the world." Sorry, Peter, we didn't know there was a trade. We missed it. Not that we don't like the NFL, but why get jazzed about an event that is leading into a season that may not happen? Sorry, can't buy it.

And then there is the Royal Wedding aka let's blow a lot of money for people who have essentially been on welfare for decades. And not the government cheese and the ebt card welfare we have in America, they get tons of money because at some point in the past their ancestors convinced people they had a direct link to God. Wow. Just wow. Wake me when we balance the budget.


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