Let's Pull Together

The New York Times reported today that U.S. retails sales reported their biggest gain in seven months. This was the fourth straight month of increased sales. Is this a sign that America is finally moving out of a recession or just a sign that people are buying things such as cars and building materials because their current stuff is breaking down?

And who will take credit? Well, both sides will, which is a problem. Democrats will point to Obama's stimulus deals as the reason, while Republicans will say their recent mid-term election victory helped stir consumer spending. In a way they are both right. People are only going to spend money if they believe America is heading in the right direction. Here's a novel idea...let's put aside our political differences and pull together for America. You may not like Nikki Haley, but South Carolina needs her to succeed. You may not like President Obama, but South Carolina needs him to succeed. Instead of listening to political purists who only want one of governance and electing people who don't like government, let's actually think about ways to work together.

It's a simple solution: Let's pull together.


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