Countdown for Christmas Day V

For the 25 days leading into Christmas, Brett Inc. is talking music. Christmas music. Sit back and enjoy.
The great thing about 70s British supergroup, Slade, is that they always sounded the same. No matter what. They sounded liked they had just rolled in from the bar and were recording at 3 a.m. the hazy remnants of whatever song they wrote on a cocktail napkin. Americans love that kind of sound, but Slade never got any respect in the U.S.
It’s a shame because they may have recorded the most original, most rockingest Christmas song of all time, “Merry Xmas Everyone.” Unlike most Christmas songs, which are recorded in the summertime, you get the feeling the boys from Slade looked around at family members coming in, drinking booze, singing carols and hanging up stockings and just recorded the song on Christmas Eve.
So, here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody’s having fun.
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