What Would Jesus Eat?

Confession time: I drank a Dr. Pepper and ate some canned pasta just before writing this post. I haven't run in four days. I ate ice cream twice over the weekend. I also had french fries with my meal on Friday.

So, yes when it comes to being a part of the problem of watching the waist (or is it waste?) line in the Deep South, I will raise my hand and not say amen. But many groups and people are trying to battle America's love affair with bad food. Including churches, according to the New York Times today.

At least one church in the Mississippi Delta, where artery-clogging food is as common as the heat in summer, is pushing for people to not bring the fried chicken and beans to the church picnics. Bring a fruit salad, instead, is the message from The Good Book.

The National Baptist Convention, which represents some seven million people in nearly 10,000 churches, is ramping up a far-reaching health campaign based on this idea.

Will it work? Hard to say. We know many people who expound for their love of Jesus and the Bible, while ignoring many of the tenets of the teachings. While Jesus did once produce thousands of fish and bread for his followers, he didn't say pig out.

What would Jesus eat?


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