For the 25 days leading into Christmas, Brett Inc. is talking music. Christmas music. Sit back and enjoy.

The Waitresses “Christmas Wrapping” is up next on our tour of holiday hits. Ok, Christmas Wrapping was hardly a hit, but it lives on for its pseudo punk/ska refrain of “merry Christmas, merry Christmas” that beats into your head with the subtlety of a nail to the forehead.

The Waitresses are kind of an interesting band. They started off as an in-joke for an Ohio-based punk band. The members would bring his girlfriend on stage at the end of the set and declare “The Waitresses” were now going to play. It was a joke, but a record producer ended up liking chick’s odd screeching then the real band. So The Waitresses were born.

The funny/sad thing is most people have heard this song, but have no idea who the band was. There are worse things.


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